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Snack Ideas If You are a Diabetes Patient

Despite the age differences, diabetes is one of the most prevalent lifestyle diseases we know of today. If you are a diabetes patient, we get you! We know that finding healthy snacks that can maintain your blood sugar level can be a challenging task for diabetes patients. 

Snacking can look like it plays a small part in the lifestyle of diabetes patients, but when designed right, it can benefit your health. If you can hack the strategy of healthy snacking, it is the best way to maintain blood sugar levels as it keeps your energy levels high. It also helps in weight loss. The key is to select high fibre, protein and healthy fat snacks. Taking references from experts like Al Mulla and diabetes doctors in Kuwait, we have listed some snack ideas for you below: 

  • Hard-Boiled Eggs

Eggs are one of the best bioavailable protein options, which can be consumed as a super healthy snack for diabetes people. One large hard-boiled egg contains 6 grams of protein, which helps keep your blood sugar from increasing too high after you eat. When consumed as a snack, eggs can keep you full. 

  • Yoghurt with berries

Yoghurt with berries is a great low-calorie snack for people with diabetes people. Berries rich in antioxidants lower inflammation and stop the damage of pancreatic cells, the organ accountable for releasing hormones that reduce blood sugar levels. On the other hand, yoghurt, which is rich in probiotics, enhance your body's capacity to metabolize foods that contain sugar. 

  • Almonds

Almond which is rich in more than 15 vitamins and minerals are the most nutritious and handy snack for diabetes people. According to research conducted, almonds helps to manage blood sugar in people with diabetes. The capacity of almonds to stabilize blood sugar is probably due to the combination of protein, fiber and healthy fats, all of which are known to have a crucial role in diabetes management.

  • Sliced apples with peanut butter

Sliced apples with peanut butter or any other nut butter is an incredibly delicious combination for healthy snacking. The rich fiber source of apples and peanut butter helps you stay full by keeping your blood sugar under control. One medium apple served with 1 ounce of peanut butter supplies almost 7 grams of fiber. Also, try combining other types of fruit with any nut butter or peanut butter, such as pears or bananas, for parallel health benefits.


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